Sunday 29 April 2012


...those previous posts didn't work.

That was attaching a previous image.
Now I'll try taking a pic...

Official Blogger app #2

This time with picture attached....

Thought I'd try this again, as it really should be the app I use.
previous posts failed if I attached a pic, but with a reset phone, it might be better.

Saturday 28 April 2012

Tech troubles

All this mucking around with apps has done something to me phone, so I've just reset the damn thing.

Without a full backup.

You'd think I'd learn....

Friday 27 April 2012

Tech test 2

Trying the official app again, this time without a photo added.
If it actually posts, that'll be a start...

Tech test

Just trying out various Blogger tools from my phone.
The official app appears to be buggy, so this is using Bloggeroid.
Basic, but if it works....

posted from Bloggeroid

Sunday 1 May 2011

Beetroot beer

Just a quick post tonight, to say that I tried Beet Red Beer, a beetroot beer from a little brewery in Falkirk called Barneys.

A vivid red in colour, it smelled and tasted of beetroot, which is mildly unfortunate as I can't stand beetroot.

I suspect that if I did like beetroot, I probably would have enjoyed this, but alas, I didn't.

On a side note, this was posted using the Blogger app on my wondrous Android smartphone. Technology. Its fab.

Saturday 30 April 2011

English beer, for a change

For a wee change, tonights beers come from south of the Border.

Quite a way south in fact, down by Birmingham, in a town called Cleobury Mortimer. 

Hobsons Brewery has been brewing since 1993, and is dedicated to sustainable brewing and using as many local ingredients as possible. They've won a number of awards, including CAMRA's Champion Beer of Britain in 2007 with their Mild. Tonight's beers are Old Henry, and Manor Ale.

Old Henry
A deep chestnut coloured ale, Old Henry has won a few awards over the past few years, including CAMRA's West Midlands Strong Bitter in 2009.
Slightly fruity aroma, with a hint of spice, it pours well, with a slight head which dissipates quickly.
Taste-wise, it has a rich, deep malty character, but is well balanced by the hops. All in all, a very drinkable beer.

Manor Ale
A golden bitter, this pours much like the Old Henry, with a very fresh citrus smell.
On the tongue, its a crisp, clean bitter, with the citrus coming through. 
Would be an excellent session beer.