Saturday 30 April 2011

English beer, for a change

For a wee change, tonights beers come from south of the Border.

Quite a way south in fact, down by Birmingham, in a town called Cleobury Mortimer. 

Hobsons Brewery has been brewing since 1993, and is dedicated to sustainable brewing and using as many local ingredients as possible. They've won a number of awards, including CAMRA's Champion Beer of Britain in 2007 with their Mild. Tonight's beers are Old Henry, and Manor Ale.

Old Henry
A deep chestnut coloured ale, Old Henry has won a few awards over the past few years, including CAMRA's West Midlands Strong Bitter in 2009.
Slightly fruity aroma, with a hint of spice, it pours well, with a slight head which dissipates quickly.
Taste-wise, it has a rich, deep malty character, but is well balanced by the hops. All in all, a very drinkable beer.

Manor Ale
A golden bitter, this pours much like the Old Henry, with a very fresh citrus smell.
On the tongue, its a crisp, clean bitter, with the citrus coming through. 
Would be an excellent session beer.

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